这支名为《亲爱的兄弟》视频,长度为 90 秒,由两名德国摄影系的学生创作,分别叫 Daniel Titz 和 Dorian Lebherz。
广 告以兄弟之间的情义作为宣传产品的理念,讲述了一对兄弟在苏格兰高地的天空岛寻访童年和故乡的旅程,走过舒缓的镜头将兄弟之间彼此相依的温馨亲情娓娓铺 开。然而,当兄弟走到海边的时候,出人意料的结果来了。这时,我们才恍然意识到,片中数次对瓶罐的特写,原来都别有深意。
根据 AdWeek 的报道,这支视频并不是 Johnnie Walker 与这两位学生合作的作品。有意思的是,这个视频在上传到 YouTube 后,截至目前,浏览数已将近 200 万次,比 Johnnie Walker 今年与裘德洛合作的广告还要多!
Walking the roads of our youth.
Through the land of our childhood, our home, and our truth.
Be near me, guide me, always stay beside me.
So I can be free.
Let’s roam this place, familiar and vast.
Our playground of green frames our past.
We were wondrous.
Never lost.
Always home.
When every place was fenceless.
And time was endless.
Our ways were always the same.
Call my demons and walk me, my brother.
Until our roads lead us away from each other.
And if your heart’s full of sorrow, keep walking.
Don’t rest.
And promise me from heart to chest to never let your memories die.
I will always be alive and by your side.
In your mind.
I’m free.
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